понедельник, 30 мая 2022 г.
воскресенье, 29 мая 2022 г.
Answer from radio Caroline, which worked on 05/22, at a frequency of 6205 kHz! It's not them!
Ответ от радио Caroline, которое работало 22.05, на частоте 6205 кГц! Это не они!
Answer from radio Caroline, which worked on 05/22, at a frequency of 6205 kHz! It's not them!
Hi Sergey,
I have taken a closer look at your original email and listened to your audio file.
Our station does not broadcast on 6205 khz. If you did hear it on that frequency, then it must have been re-broadcast by an unauthorized third party, and we would not therefore be able to send you a QSL for that frequency.
Our AM frequency is 648 khz. Are you sure that you were not listening on that frequency ?
Best regards
![]() |
Dear Sergey, thank you very much for your reception report concerning our broadcast on 7th May 2022 via R. Channel 292. We are happy to verify it with our eQSL, which is attached to this e-mail. Some brief information on Radio Sylvia: The station started broadcasting back in 1977 as a pirate. We were active for many years on FM, medium wave and short wave. In 1984 Radio Sylvia was raided by the German authorities and we were sentenced to heavy fines. After that we changed our name to Radio Scorpio and were relayed on a regular basis by Belgian, Scottish and Irish short wave stations. In 2009 we restarted Radio Sylvia as an internet station. We are now broadcasting 24/7 with studios located in Hamburg, Germany. In addition to our online activities, short wave transmissions are conducted as well on every first Saturday of a month on 6070 kHz from 18:00 to 24:00 CET and on 3955 kHz from 18:00 to 20:00 CET. So we hope you'll tune in again on 4th June. Our aim has always been (and still is) to provide a musical alternative to the "official" pop music radio stations. We focus on non-mainstream music and also support little-known bands and artists worldwide. You can view the full history, our aims and all station details on our website www.radiosylvia.com. If you have any questions or suggestions, please always feel free to contact us. Thank you and best regards Mark Andersen Radio Sylvia www.radiosylvia.com www.radiosylvia.de |
воскресенье, 22 мая 2022 г.
LOG 22/05
6205 khz Radio Caroline, 2000-2004 utc , sinpo 43444
LOG 21/05
6266 khz 1826 utc KVO Hit Radio, sinpo 44444
6175 khz 1827 utc Radio Jong Europa, sinpo 22222
eQSL Radio Andorra
хоть это и не пират, eqsl за прием 7/05 на 6180 khz
их письма
Dear listener,
thank you very much for sending in your reception report. We are happy that you've enjoyed our program which was a restored show from the late 1970s, broadcasted then on the legendary Radio Andorra. Please find included the requested eQSL.
We are working hard on bringing more old show "back on the air" in a monthly cycle. We are happy to announce that the next broadcast will be on saturday, 04 June 2022 from 17 to 19 UTC on 6180 kHz towards Europe. At the moment no broadcast to America is planned, due to the lack of funds. This time the french singer and actor Guy Marchand will host a 2 hour program playing his favourite songs. This show is also from around 1979. We do all the restoration work and broadcasting on our own expenses, to keep the radio heritage alive. If you'd like to help to cover some of our costs, we'd be happy. This would enable us to work on new projects and further restorations
Thanks again for tuning in and best regards,
Christian Milling
четверг, 19 мая 2022 г.
вторник, 17 мая 2022 г.
воскресенье, 15 мая 2022 г.
LOG 15/05
5880 khz Radio Rock Revolution,1956 utc, sinpo 23322 пробивалась до 3 баллов, сильные фединги! На записи кое что иногда пробивается
суббота, 14 мая 2022 г.
LOG 14/05
6205 KHZ Radio Tehnical Man, 1901 utc, sinpo 44444
3955 khz Radio Atlantic 2000 Int, via channel 292, 1955 utc, sinpo 34333
пятница, 13 мая 2022 г.
LOG 13/05
news pirate hunter
Коллеги, лог может некоторое время не обновляться, по нескольким причинам!
1) Плохое прохождение радиоволн на КВ!
2) Отсутствие новых пиратских радиостанций в эфире!
Одни и те же станции выкладывать не хочу, это бессмысленно!
Colleagues, the log may not be updated for some time, for several reasons!
1) Poor transmission of radio waves on HF!
2) No new pirate radio stations on the air!
I don't want to lay out the same stations, it's pointless!
вторник, 10 мая 2022 г.
LOG 10/05
3940 khz Бухта свободных волн, отлично проходит, 1914 utc, sinpo 55555
Icom PCR1000, c включенным фильтром 2,8k и 6k
3940 kHz Free Waves Bay, excellent pass, 1914 UTC, sinpo 55555
Icom PCR1000, with 2.8k and 6k filter enabled
воскресенье, 8 мая 2022 г.
LOG 8/05
15080 khz, Sluwe Vos Radio, 1725-1735 utc, sinpo 44444
суббота, 7 мая 2022 г.
LOG 7/05
6180 KHZ Radio Andorra 1854 utc sinpo 55555, программа "Aus den Archiven von Radio Andorra" ("Из архивов Радио Андорры") через Moosbrunn
eQSL Triple Radio L (johnny Tobacco)
Hallo Sergey thanks for the report and audio clip.. for info running 800 watts that time in a open horizontal mono antenna... and most pirates using an dipole so maybe for you to do some expirement with a dipole horizontal to improve reception Sergey
Thanks and good luck for you and family 73 regards from Triple-L
Здравствуйте, Сергей, спасибо за отчет и аудиозапись.. за информацию о том, что в то время было 800 Вт на открытой горизонтальной моноантенне... и большинство пиратов использовали диполь, так что, возможно, вам стоит немного поэкспериментировать с горизонтальным диполем, чтобы улучшить прием, Сергей
Спасибо и удачи вам и семье 73 привета от Triple-L
7 May, Radio Day
С Днем Радио! Больше редких и интересных пиратских станций! 73!
День 7 мая вошёл в историю мировой науки и техники как День рождения радио
Именно в этот день в 1895 году на заседании Русского физико-химического общества российский физик Александр Степанович Попов выступил с докладом и демонстрацией созданного им первого в мире радиоприемника, осуществив первый сеанс радиосвязи
пятница, 6 мая 2022 г.
5835.5 kHz Radio Europe (Ukr) 1936 UTC, passage with a strong signal
5835,5 khz Radio Europa (ukr) 1936 utc, проходила с мощным сигналом, sinpo54555 , развернули антенну в сторону России или такое прохождение???
5835.5 kHz Radio Europe (Ukr) 1936 UTC, passage with a strong signal, sinpo54555, turned the antenna towards Russia or such a passage ???
среда, 4 мая 2022 г.
вторник, 3 мая 2022 г.
eQSL Radio Universe
Из письма
понедельник, 2 мая 2022 г.
Уважаемые коллеги, решил каждый день не опубликовывать лог с одними и теме же радиостанциями которые я принимал ранее, это бессмысленно! Только новые станции и QSL! Спасибо за понимание ! 73!
Dear colleagues, every day I decided not to publish a LOG with old, previously received radio stations! It is pointless! Only new stations and QSL! Thanks for understanding! 73!